Got The Time?

By Danny Wira Dharma

Have you ever felt unsure about what to do next, and while you’re deliberating, the clock is ticking, eventually time made the decision for you?

Sounds familiar? Frankly speaking, I experienced that a lot.

While reading Ephesians 5:15-16 recently, I was drawn to one particular word: “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” (NIV). The wise lives each day seizing every opportunity. The unwise, on the other hand, allows opportunity to slip by. So then, if we want to be wise, we must first understand what opportunity is.

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines opportunity as “a good chance for advancement or progress.” In other words, “to make use of every opportunity” is to anticipate goodness, advancement and progress and to take hold of such prospects when they arise.

I recall times where I lived out eight hours without accomplishing anything meaningful. I was executing the plans on my agenda in a mechanical fashion, not anticipating any goodness, advancement or progress. My thoughts were fixated on getting things done and ticking them off my to-do list. In the process, I’ve missed out on opportunities for growth.

Additionally, there is something else about opportunity that we need to know: Opportunities come and go. Though we may sometimes get a second chance, it is always wiser to seize it the first time round.

In the New Century Version, Ephesians 5:16 is rendered as “use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times.” The opportunities we are called to anticipate and use are for doing good to others. I believe the reason is found in Ephesians 2:10 where we read: “(that we are) created in Christ Jesus to do good works” (Ephesians 2:10).

We cannot change the fact that the days are evil and situation will only get from bad to worse. However, imagine: In this world where most people live for their personal agendas, we are called to make a difference. We are called to seize opportunities for good works—to seek the advancement and progress of another.

So, next time when you are in limbo as to what to do, if it is an opportunity for doing good, seize it! Our use of opportunities may not make the current days good, but it will surely make life good.

Danny leads an online small groups while also studies theology for a degree. His desire is to help young people to find their true purpose and destiny and become a more devoted followers of Christ.

“Aplikasi” Alkitab

Sabtu, 2 Oktober 2010

Baca: Efesus 5:1-7

Arahkanlah perhatianmu kepada didikan, dan telingamu kepada kata-kata pengetahuan. —Amsal 23:12

Ingatkah ketika telepon genggam hanya dipakai untuk menelepon? Seiring dengan perkembangan telepon pintar, apa yang semula hanya merupakan sarana untuk bercakap-cakap dengan seseorang, kini telah menjadi tempat penyimpanan data. Tambahkan aplikasi (program komputer) pada telepon genggam Anda, maka Anda pun dapat membaca berita olahraga, bermain games, merencanakan perjalanan, mencari apartemen—atau lebih dari 100.000 hal lainnya yang tersedia dengan bantuan “aplikasi” tersebut.

Itu sungguh mengagumkan, tetapi “aplikasi” untuk telepon genggam tidaklah sebanding dengan “aplikasi” yang diberikan Alkitab kepada kita. “Aplikasi” Alkitab merupakan pernyataan langsung dari Allah yang memberitahukan kepada kita tentang bagaimana mengaplikasikan/menerapkan kebenaran firman-Nya ke dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan kita.

Misalnya di Filipi 2 tersedia: aplikasi kesatuan (2:2), aplikasi kerendahan hati (2:3), aplikasi tidak bersungut-sungut (2:14), aplikasi bercahaya seperti bintang (2:15). Atau perhatikanlah aplikasi-aplikasi di Efesus 5: aplikasi penurut Allah (5:1), aplikasi hidup di dalam kasih (5:2), aplikasi kekudusan (5:3), aplikasi mengendalikan lidah (5:4). Dan bagaimana dengan kitab Amsal? Kitab ini penuh dengan banyak aplikasi.

Anda tidak perlu menunggu seseorang untuk menawarkan aplikasi-aplikasi itu di Internet. Bukalah Alkitab dan temukanlah ratusan cara untuk menerapkan Kitab Suci di dalam hidup anda. Apakah Anda punya pertanyaan seputar hidup Kristen? Galilah Alkitab. Jawabannya tersedia di sana, sedang menanti untuk ditemukan. —JDB

Bergantunglah pada Alkitab; permata dan harta terindah
Yang memberi hidup kekal dan menyelamatkan orang berdosa;
Nilainya pun tak bisa diukur oleh makhluk fana;
Temukanlah berkatnya bagi jiwamu, selagi kau bisa.

Alkitab memiliki harta karun hikmat bagi Anda—bacalah dan terapkanlah!